Cornerstone Physiotherapy
1 Doctor
| Get Direction on map
NH 48, Sector 81A, ,
NH 48, Sector 81A, ,
Cornerstone Physiotherapy ,
Gurgaon ,
Haryana ,
India ,
122051 |
Mon - Sun
9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Doctors in Cornerstone Physiotherapy

Dr. Pooja Yadav
Dr. Pooja Yadav-Physiotherapy
Dr. Pooja Yadav is an Orthopedics Physiotherapist practicing in Manesar Sec 81. She had 4 year experience of working in clinic and with ortho team. She is known for her excellent diagnosis and providing her patients a completely painless experience. Throughout her studies, gained valuable experience in musculoskeletal, various ortho related injuries and pain management. pooja yadav special interest is to rehabilitate all kind of ortho related injuries and musculoskeletal disorders and passionate about helping people. provides pre and post operative conditions. We ensure each patient reaches their maximum level of mobility to lead a rewarding and painless life

Consult Fee 200
- Physical Therapy
- Geriatric Physiotherapy
- Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
- Orthopaedic physiotherapy
- Rehabilitation and Pain Management
- Sports-Related Physiotherapy
- Women’s health-related Physiotherapy