Mannat Physio Care
1 Doctor
| Get Direction on map
R2/134, First Floor ,
Cosmopolitan Mall ,
Mannat Physio Care ,
Gurgaon ,
Haryana ,
India ,
122018 |
Mon - Sat
9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Sun 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sun 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Doctors in Mannat Physio Care

Dr. Makhdoom Hasan
Dr. Makhdoom Hasan (Senior Physiotherapist)
Dr. Makdoom Hasan PT is a passionate physiotherapist with over 10 years of clinical experience. He believes in providing evidence-based and advanced physiotherapy care, which makes him highly qualified. His efforts have been well acknowledged throughout India and made him one of the most awarded physios in Gurgaon. Fellowship in Osteopathy and Manipulative Technique (Australia).

Consult Fee 600
- Neuro Physiotherapy
- Cupping Therapy
- Manual Therapy
- Mulligan Manipulation
- Chiropractor
- Chiropractic
- ortho physio
- dry needling
- Sports Physio