Miracles Mediclinic (Apollo Cradle)
Doctors in Miracles Mediclinic (Apollo Cradle)

Dr. Divyakshi Chauhan
Dr. Divyakshi Chauhan is a reputed Dentist in Gurgaon, Sector 69, Gurgaon. She has 11 years of experience in these fields. She is a merit holder from Rajasthan University. She has a special interest in treating the elderly and children. She can be reached out for Crowns, Bridges, Complete/partial dentures, RCT, Implants, Orthodontic treatment, and pediatric dentistry.
Consult Fee 400
- Ceramic Veneers / Crowns
- Dental X-Ray
- Partial Denture of mold
- Dental Examinations
- Dental Crowns
- Dental Fillings
- Dental Implant Fixing