Nice Clinic
1 Doctor
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Nice Clinic ,
South City-II ,
Gurgaon ,
Haryana ,
India ,
122505 |
Mon - Sat
09:00 AM to 09:00 PM
Doctors in Nice Clinic

Dr. Vipul Singhal
Dr. Vipul Singhal says "Our Aim is to Provide Health Services at Best Price to Society.
As a Doctor its My Duty towards the society to Serve it better and try to make it best".
We know there's nothing in the world that gives parents more joy than seeing a warm smile spread across their children's faces.
We want you and your children to have everything in the world to smile about - unabashed, confident, and beautiful.
At NICE CLINIC, we have the passion, dedication, commitment and knowledge to make that happen.
We are the next generation Doctor who aims at a new and better technology world.
We focus on working and Providing the best available treatment to our patients and keep in mind the Newest and Latest Technologies In Medicine surrounding the world.
we are trying to equip as many as In-House Facilities we can.
We provide -
Blood testing - full body check up at the most lowest rate in market with the top ranked company of market. Blood sugar management - beat the diabetes
Diet and weight management - an essential thing we all need. And other medical services also available
Consult Fee 500
- Allergy Treatment
- Viral Fever Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) Treatment
- Insulin Free Treatment
- Skin Allergies