Pal Physiotherapy
1 Doctor
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Pal Physiotherapy ,
Pal Physiotherapy ,
Gurgaon ,
Haryana ,
India ,
122003 |
Mon - Sun
9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Doctors in Pal Physiotherapy

Dr. Mohini Sharma
I have completed my internship from Fortis after that I had 9 months clinical experience and also completed workshops on shoulder therapy. Services provided :MFR, CUPPING,IASTM THERAPY, MANUAL THERAPY,SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPY,K.TAPE THERAPY, ELECTRO THERAPY,CHEST PHYSIOTHERAPY,THERABAND EXERCISE THERAPY AND MOBILISATION.

Consult Fee 600
- Cupping therapy,IASTM THERAPY,manual therapy, sports therapy,k.tap therapy,mfrtherapy,electrotherapy,tens/ift/ust/,chest Physiotherapy,theraband exercise therapy