Apollo Spectra Hospital
1 Doctor
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famous cine labs, 156 malyvia road, ,
Tardeo ,
Apollo Spectra Hospital ,
Mumbai ,
Maharashtra ,
India ,
400034 |
Mon - Sun
8:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Doctors in Apollo Spectra Hospital
Dr. Hema Mer
Dr. Hema. M. Mer is a consultant Ophthalmologist practicing in Mumbai. She has graduated from Terna Medical College, received her DOMS degree from Masina hospital & has completed a fellowship in cornea & refractive surgery from Bombay City Eye Institute & Research Center. She has enhanced her academic, clinical & research skills by pursuing MSc COVR from Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK & Cornea & refractive surgery fellowship programs from Park Avenue Lasek, NY, USA & Ophthalmica Institute of Ophthalmology & Microsurgery from Thessaloniki, Greece. She has passed her ICO (International Council Of Ophthalmology) Basic science (Part A & B) Ophthalmology examination.

Consult Fee 500