Dr. Lalita's Homeopathic Clinic
1 Doctor
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Vasant Oscar, Mulund West ,
Dr. Lalita's Homeopathic Clinic ,
Mumbai ,
Maharashtra ,
India ,
400080 |
Mon - Tue, Thu - Fri
10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Doctors in Dr. Lalita's Homeopathic Clinic

Dr. Lalita Joshi
Homeopathic Doctor
I am a homeopathic physician with 35 years of experience. I treat all chronic diseases and cater to most female and children health concerns. I have also treated many skin diseases, chronic headaches, joint pains, recurring cold and cough and gastro-intestinal problems like acidity, piles and IBS.

Consult Fee 500