Sun cancer hospital
1 Doctor
| Get Direction on map
Sun hospital ,2 floor ,ganesh niwas ,ganjawala lane ,
Opposite petrol pump,borivali west ,
Sun cancer hospital ,
Mumbai ,
Maharashtra ,
India ,
400092 |
Mon - Sat
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Doctors in Sun cancer hospital

Dr. Krutarth Thakar
Dr K.D. Thakar
Dr .K.D Thakar is senior consultant surgical oncologist with 20 years of experience .He has qualifications of MBBS,M.S and suoerspeciality qualification of (surgical oncologist) done from goverment regional Cancer centre ,GCRI .
He has many additional training fellowship from reputed international cancer centres .He has published articles in various medical journals
He specialises in head and neck ,breast ,thyroid ,gastrointestinal ,gynec and lung cancers .He along with team of oncologist at sun cancer hospital offers multimodality treatment for cancers in form of organ preserving surgery ,minimal invasive surgery ,laser operations for cancer ,chemotherapy and immunotherapy .
Consult Fee 1000
- Services Offered At Clinic