dr D S parouha Padmshri clinic
1 Doctor
| Get Direction on map
Kanodia complex dhekha rewa padmdhar colony ,
dr D S parouha Padmshri clinic ,
Rewa ,
Madhya Pradesh ,
India ,
486001 |
Mon - Sat
09:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Doctors in dr D S parouha Padmshri clinic

Dr. Dayashankar Parouha
MD medicine diabete neuro care
Consultant physician i care about all medical illness diabetes chronic neurological disorder autoimmune illness allergy infectious illness etc i also take care of cardiac illness gastro enterology illness liver illness hepatitis diarhea thyroid illness any type of hematological illness.

Consult Fee 400
- Services Offered At Clinic
- Consultation diagnosis treatment
- Consultation diagnosis treatment