Chiranjeevi physiotherapy care & Rehab Center
1 Doctor
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Near Balaji Mandir, Vatika road ,
Chiranjeevi physiotherapy care & Rehab Center ,
Jaipur ,
Rajasthan ,
India ,
302022 |
Mon - Sat
09:00 AM to 08:00 PM
Sun 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Sun 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Doctors in Chiranjeevi physiotherapy care & Rehab Center

Dr. Govind Saini (PT)
BPT, MPT-Physiotherapy (Neuro)
I have completed my BPT from Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Sitapura (Jaipur).& MPT in Neurology. I am working as a physiotherapist with more than 5 years of experience. And treat all types of ortho, Nuro & Geriatric as well as pediatric disabilities. Advice on Ergonomic & Occupation physical rehabilitation.

Consult Fee 200