Dr Heena singdia's skin consultations
1 Doctor
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J-108, Ashok Chowk, Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004 ,
Dr Heena singdia's skin consultations ,
Jaipur ,
Rajasthan ,
India ,
302004 |
Mon - Sat
06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Doctors in Dr Heena singdia's skin consultations
Dr. Heena Singdia
Dermatologist, STD specialist , Dermatosurgeon and Aesthetic physician
Dr Heena singdia is a board certified doctor practising Dermatology in Jaipur. She is Dr V. Govindan Nair memorial award winner and best woman scientist awardee by WDC 2020. After completing MBBS in 2017 and MD Dermatology in 2021 from SMS medical college Jaipur, Dr. Singdia earned Fellowship in Dermatosurgery from IADVL 2022. She has worked with RUHS-CMS , Charak bhawan(SMS Hospital) and Dermaglow clinic Jaipur in the past and gained over 5 years of experience. Dr. Singdia specialises in Scar Treatment, Dermatosurgery, Acne / Pimples Treatment, Peel-Polishing, Lasers, vitiligo and Psoriasis Treatment. She is also an active member of IADVL , EADV and IASSTD.

Consult Fee 500
- Services Offered At Clinic