Lucky Medical Store and Khan Clinic
1 Doctor
| Get Direction on map
Affordable Housing Society,Main Road ,
Kansua,Kota ,
Lucky Medical Store and Khan Clinic ,
Kota ,
Rajasthan ,
India ,
324004 |
8:13 AM to 7:13 PM
Tue 9:13 AM to 6:13 PM
Wed 11:14 AM to 9:14 PM
Thu 10:14 AM to 3:30 PM
Fri 5:15 PM to 9:15 PM
Sat 1:15 PM to 8:16 PM
Sun 6:16 PM to 10:16 PM
Tue 9:13 AM to 6:13 PM
Wed 11:14 AM to 9:14 PM
Thu 10:14 AM to 3:30 PM
Fri 5:15 PM to 9:15 PM
Sat 1:15 PM to 8:16 PM
Sun 6:16 PM to 10:16 PM
Doctors in Lucky Medical Store and Khan Clinic

Dr. Shahrukh Khan
MBBS-General Physician
Committed to providing excellent patient care and promoting overall health and wellness. Experienced in health promotion and management of chronic diseases. Possesses excellent organizational, communication and interpersonal skills and diagnosis with care.

Consult Fee 200