Dhingra clinic
1 Doctor
| Get Direction on map
4-34/50 ,
Road no.3 sriramanuja nagar colony ,
Dhingra clinic ,
Hayathnagar ,
Telangana ,
India ,
501511 |
Mon - Wed, Fri
11:01 AM to 8:01 PM
Thu, Sat 11:02 AM to 8:01 PM
Sun 1:02 AM to 7:01 PM
Thu, Sat 11:02 AM to 8:01 PM
Sun 1:02 AM to 7:01 PM
Doctors in Dhingra clinic

Dr. Jagjeet Singh
I am Dr.Jagjeet Singh who has 8 years of clinical experience in field of General medicine from 2015 till today.I see all kinds of patients from younger children to elderly people.I am adept in management of diabetes, hypertension, thyroid diseased,cardiovascular abnormality, bone disorders, skin disorders such as psoriasis,acne.I recommend best diagnostic test such as cbp, lft,kft,serum iron, electrolytes etc
I perform diagnosis based on complaints, diagnostic test by correlating one with each other.I provide best treatment choices after forming chain of mapping with symptoms, diagnostic test and history verbally told by patient. I maintain good doctor- patient relationships for care

Consult Fee 300
- Hypertension Diabetes thyroid disorders joint disorders gout
- Pcod pyelonephritis chronic liver disease chronic kidney disease muscle sprain muscle strain heavy bleeding in menses anemias fatigue syndrome bone disorders osteoarthritis osteomyelitis obesity hypercholesterolemia type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Fever cold cough asthma Pneumonia