Moosapet Sugar and Thyroid Clinic
1 Doctor
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Moosapet Sugar and Thyroid Clinic ,
Moosapet Sugar and Thyroid Clinic ,
Hyderabad ,
Telangana ,
India ,
500072 |
Mon - Sat
8:40 AM to 1:50 PM
5:45 PM to 10:00 PM
5:45 PM to 10:00 PM
Doctors in Moosapet Sugar and Thyroid Clinic
Dr. Elichalamala Mohammed Mussy
Family physician and Diabetologist
I am family physician and Diabetologist with the practice experience of 3 &1/2 years presently working in Hyderabad as family physician and Diabetologist for more than 3 years which gave very good experience in diabetes and thyroid problems over all these years. I would love to serve all the patients in need with great faith and respect thank you.

Consult Fee 500