Apollo Dental Thiruvanmiyur Best Dental Clinic in ECR, Thiruvanmiyur
Doctors in Apollo Dental Thiruvanmiyur Best Dental Clinic in ECR, Thiruvanmiyur

Dr. Shilfa Nigar
Alliance Dental Care Ltd.
Alliance Dental Care the joint venture between India's leading healthcare groups, Apollo Hospitals & Trivitron Healthcare, envisions a complete makeover of Indian dental healthcare & aims to take dentistry to a world-class level. With a mission to bring affordable and world class medical services to India, Alliance introduces Apollo - a first of its kind dental care brand which is all set to create a unique success story with a fleet of 7 star dental spas, studios, clinics and express centers spread across the country offering everything from Premium services, Avant Grade Cosmetic Dentistry to simple and affordable Dental services.
Consult Fee 500