New Med Clinic ( Diabetes Care at Villivakkam)
1 Doctor
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Villivakkam station road ,
New Med Clinic ( Diabetes Care at Villivakkam) ,
Chennai ,
Tamil Nadu ,
India ,
600049 |
Mon - Fri
06:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Doctors in New Med Clinic ( Diabetes Care at Villivakkam)

Dr. Vaishaly Reddy
Dr. Vaishaly Reddy is a General Practitioner and Diabetologist in Chennai and has an experience of 4 years in this field. Dr. Vaishaly Reddy practices at Ayanavaram 24 Hours Hospital and New Med Clinic in Villivakkam, Chennai. She completed MBBS from Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore in 2021.
Fellowship in Critical care medicine from Apollo Hospital, Chennai.
Fellowship in Diabetes Mellitus from Royal Liverpool academy, UK.
Consult Fee 300
- Diabetes Care
- Fever
- Thyroid
- Hypertension
- Menstrual irregularities
- Skin diseases
- Urinary tract infections
- Asthma
- Renal stone