EAR CONNECT Speech & Hearing Clinic
1 Doctor
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8 - MIG, Gyan Khand -4 ,
Kala Pathar Road, Opp Mother Dairy, Indirapuram ,
EAR CONNECT Speech & Hearing Clinic ,
Ghaziabad ,
Uttar Pradesh ,
India ,
201014 |
Mon - Sat
04:30 PM to 08:00 PM
Doctors in EAR CONNECT Speech & Hearing Clinic
Ms. Akshee Kaul
Audiologist & Speech Language Patalogist
Pursued BASLP and Msc Audiology from Pune and Vestibular Diploma from AVISA
Worked at Army Hospital (Research & Referra), Delhi cantt.
Associated with multiple hospitals
Services: Audiometry, Impedance, BERA, OAE, VEMP, Tinnitus Evaluation & Management, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Cochlear Implant, Hearing Aids, Speech and language therapy

Consult Fee 500