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Best Way to Weight Loss that Really Works

Best Way to Weight Loss that Really Works
April 19, 2024

The weight loss journey begins when you are not ashamed of some extra kilos in your body but when in order to achieve Zen you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and worship your body. A balanced nutrition-rich diet is a key to weight loss and a healthy mind and body. Indian meals contain a rich source of all the nutrition if maintained a proper intake. We are blessed to have so many varieties of food that are effectively beneficial for weight loss. Some foods have a high source of protein and fiber that helps you reach your goal. We have often heard a healthy body is all about having 80% of a rich healthy diet and 20% of physical activities

Physical activities are equally important for a person’s body. Just like one cannot lose weight solely basis on their physical activities but diet as well, similarly a person needs to focus on both things. One must never forget everything in life comes with balance. In order to reach the Zen point in your life, try to align the things that need to be done to have a healthy body. Physical activities include do not necessarily require a hardcore intense workout, but a brisk jog can also be beneficial for you. One can do numerous physical activities like yoga, gyming, swimming, aerobics, Zumba, jogging, or even walking

According to several experts, real weight loss happens when you take in fewer calories than you burn. If we take one pound as our goal to shed, then one needs to shed or have a calorie deficit of at least 3,500 calories (about 280 minutes of running) as it is equal to one pound of fat. This 3,500 calories target can be achieved if instead of working hard by doing the workout, we think smart and cut down our calories, and then instead of 600-700 calories (about 56 minutes of running), we can easily shed 3,500 calories. However, if a person is depending on a diet, then they should religiously have a strict plan for themselves.

This hustle can be easy to achieve weight loss, however, one should not starve them. To have a more sustainable and reliable method one could not only depend on cutting off their calories intake but also burn it with some sort of activity. For instance, if a person wishes to shed 1200 calories in a day which can be hard for them if it’s only dependent on calorie intake, he or she can reduce the calorie intake by 600 and the rest 600 calories can be shed in the gym.

Everyday hustle is required to achieve that zeal. Confidence comes when you are comfortable with your body or personality. Sometimes in order to look good in that one dress you bought with so much enthusiasm, you have to maintain your body for yourself. One important thing about weight loss is that you should only lose weight when you wish to and not under some sort of societal pressure or peer pressure. Losing weight due to pressure will only lead to mental insanity which nobody wants in their life.

A disciplined lifestyle is essential for losing weight. To achieve any goal, one must be well organized and disciplined. If a person is careless about things, then losing weight will be like moving a mountain for them. Morning is considered the best time for burning those calories. According to many experts, the morning is the best time for a workout. Your body loses weight faster if you work out early in the morning and have a protein-rich breakfast.

India is a country just like our food as it is combined with so many ingredients, each having its own elements. Similarly, there are many varieties when it comes to different mindsets, cultures, and traditions. Some people in India have a myth about body appearances that a person can only look good if they are slim. Both sexes in our society go through this dilemma while going through their match-making process. Some people criticize them for their weight or body, especially girls. We are taught from a young age that if you have a little extra weight then you are not fit door wearing a lot of things. In fact, we often laugh at the fact when a comedian makes fun and fat shame people. Sometimes weight loss becomes a necessity and not something you want to acquire.

Old fashioned thought should be thrown away in a pile of garbage which can hurt someone’s sentiments. One should always do what one is comfortable doing. One should always stay away from stress as it is the worst enemy of those who is trying to lose weight. Therefore, society should understand that the journey of weight loss is not only physical but mental as well. Mental sanity is also required for achieving that glamorous look you have been longing for with burning calories.

Let’s have some insight that will surely be helpful in one’s weight loss journey:

  • Reduce carb intake

Carbs are our worst enemy who pretends to be a friend but are dangerous. Stay away from such friends. Replacing refined carbs with unprocessed starchy carbs helps in improving metabolic health by reducing excess fat. A less intake of carbs per day can be beneficial for weight loss.

  • Intake of soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is basically plant-derived food that is hard to be broken down by the human digestive system. Being diverse in chemical composition and grouped by their solubility, viscosity, and fermentability generally reflects how fiber is processed in our body.

Soluble fiber can be found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and some fruits and vegetables. Also found in psyllium (a common fiber supplement). Soluble fiber is not only beneficial for weight loss but also lowers the risk of heart diseases. Consuming lots of soluble fiber can do wonders to your body, skin as well as hair. A regular intake of it with replace the extra requirement of snacks with fullness.

  • Building a strong metabolism

A speedy path for weight loss in having a strong metabolism and strong metabolism comes from building your core strength by doing some sort of physical activities. Working out or going for a jog or even practicing yoga helps to maintain your metabolism and fasten your weight loss journey. However, if your metabolism is low then having an intense workout session or having a proper diet won’t be beneficial.

Protein is extremely important for maintaining weight management. High protein intake increases the release of a hormone called PYY, which decreases appetite and promotes fullness. Protein also helps in maintaining muscle mass during weight loss, increasing your metabolic rate.

Many studies revealed high protein intake helps in less belly fat than low protein intake.

Consuming proteins like meat, eggs, fish, dairy, beans, and whey protein are crucial while losing weight.

  • Less stress less weight

According to many researchers, it is seen many Indians suffer from stress and mental instability which can lead to pressure and some deficiency in your body. Stress varies from person to person; some lose weight while some gain excess weight. Stress can often lead to skipped meals and emotional trauma. Sometimes there is no activity at all. In both cases, it is dangerous for a person. Therefore, mental health is equally important as physical health to keep your body healthy.

Research reflects that when you gain belly fat by triggering the adrenal glands to produce cortisol known as the stress hormone. High cortisol levels can increase appetite and drive abdominal fat storage. This hormone is more active in women.

  • Balance lifestyle

A balanced lifestyle is a key to weight loss and being disciplined is equally important. A person should not be dependent only on their diet but also on some sort of physical activity. Always remember it’s 80-20 (80% diet, 20% exercise). One should religiously follow it. Once you reach your goal then it is also necessary to stay disciplined and continue to work on yourself and not take a break only because you have worked hard.

  • A “good” night sleep

From our childhood we have been taught “early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy and wise”. A “good” good night’s sleep is crucial as it affects your body. In order to lose weight, one should have a proper sleep cycle. According to experts, our body produces an enzyme called Melatonin which helps your body to grow and repair itself. And if we sleep around 8-9 ‘o’clock then it is the best time for the enzyme to work and do wonders for your body and help in weight loss.

  • Everything sweet may not be nice

Sugar when consumed excessively can be fatal for a person as it contains fructose causing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, fatty liver disease, and weight gain. One should limit their sugar intake if one wants to lose weight. Aerated drinks, cake, cookies, sugar can only make you regret all the hard work that you put in for your healthy body.

  • Sex can also help

Sex is considered taboo in some parts of India and many people are not comfortable talking about it. However, sex comes with several benefits of its own and is not only about pleasures. As per experts, by involving in intense sex you put in some extra energy which can help to burn 200-300 calories in a 30 min sex-session. So, sex might not be able to burn the same number of calories that can be achieved in the gym. Though sex makes you shed some calories maintain a healthy lifestyle and make you happy, so it’s a win-win situation.

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