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Does Impact Of Your Gut Health On Body Pain?

Does Impact Of Your Gut Health On Body Pain?
April 02, 2024

Pain is a very common sensation that is often felt in the body- in most cases, it is harmless and gradually subsides with time, but there are some other conditions in which pain develops due to underlying physiological ailments and takes time to heal until the disorder has been resolved with proper treatment. It is often claimed by experts that impaired gut health can result in pain in your body.

When your gut health is not in a healthy state, it would become quite understandable that your gut health is not functioning properly. In such cases, you might start feeling sensations such as grumbling, growling, or absolute quiet, as when your gut functioning is in an excessively responsive state, you will sense the gut processing all the meal choices to your mood. But have you ever wondered if your gut bacteria can lead to pain in your body? This article intends to dig deep and help you know what is the gut system all about and how body pain is related to abnormalities in your gut health.

The gut health: what you must know about its functioning?

The gastrointestinal tract, often referred to as the digestive tract, plays a major role in digestion and the betterment of your gut health, as it consists of some of the most important barometers of health in your body.

According to recent studies and research works (1), scientists are claiming that almost 70 percent of the cells that are present in the immune response system of the human body usually live in the gastrointestinal or the GI tract. Impairment in your gut health will not only cause pain in your body but will also result in other ailments, the most prominent one of them being problems related to digestion. So, it is highly crucial to take good care of your gut health, for which you need to consume a healthy diet, and staying in a healthy physical and mental state can help your gut to function better and reduce the risks of pain symptoms in your body.

What are the important facts about gut microbiome?

‘Gut microbiome’ is a term that refers to the different types of micro-organisms that are found in the gut and the intestines. As per studies (2) and research works, there are almost 200 different species of microbes that are present in the digestive tract of the human body, some of which are of different variants such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and so on.

Though some of these micro-organisms might be a bit harmful to our overall health and well-being, most of these microbes are highly beneficial for improved health aid in better digestion, and improve your gut health. Many of these microbes are essential for the healthy functioning of your body. Some expert opinions and scientific studies (3) suggest that a large variety of these microbes, especially bacteria in the gut can help you to lower the risks of developing several types of severe health conditions such as diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and so on.

Impact of gut microbes on your overall health

How your gut functions is quite complex and it is important to keep your gut healthy so that your overall body functioning remains stable and free from any severe issues.

In the present day, medical professionals are becoming increasingly concerned over gut health because recent studies (4) and scientific research works are revealing that there is impaired gut health is related to several health diseases over the decades such as follows:

How would you know your gut health is impaired?

It is already clear that impaired gut health can create a lot of health issues, including body pain, so it is very important for you to make sure that your gut system is in proper condition. But here arises a question, that is, how would you be able to know that your gut health is impaired and it is not functioning properly? The modern life that we are living today can inevitably affect gut health and here are some of the most common signs that will make you understand that you have an unhealthy gut:

These types of health conditions can also develop due to the consumption of high doses of antibiotics or a Western diet that is rich in sugar and the food components are either highly processed or overcooked (packaged, fried, or junk foods). When you have an unhealthy gut, you are more likely to develop health disorders in the following aspects:

How can an unhealthy gut negatively impact your body pain?

Experts and medical practitioners often claim that the levels of pain in your body are more likely to fluctuate and such conditions depend on a lot of factors, for instance, weather and climatic conditions, your mental health conditions, your levels of stress, the amount of rest and sleep that you are getting each day, and so on. The microbes, mostly the species of bacteria that dwell in your gut are beneficial for keeping your gut healthy and thus aid in your overall health and wellness. As the gut system is made of some species of microbes, forming a healthy microbiome system for healthy digestion and body functioning, the microbiome of one person is a bit different than the other, thus making it a unique one. Such systems are affected by a lot of variables such as their habitat, the types of food they have in their diet, the environment, lifestyle practices, and so on. The types of bacteria and microbes that are present in the gut of a healthy person differs from the one that is present among people who have various types of health disorders such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune disorders, and mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, and many others.

Unhealthy gut conditions are linked with certain signs of inflammation in the body, including the joints, which results in increasing body pain. Such cases can cause pain symptoms and even severe conditions such as arthritis (that develops due to chronic inflammation), rheumatoid diseases, and so on. Unhealthy gut conditions might also cause cartilage damage in your knees, and the conditions can worsen if you have other ailments like obesity or cardiac diseases, as you will have to face pain in the bone joints with added pressure on them due to excessive body weight. These situations of impaired gut health are the precursors of osteoarthritic conditions, especially in your knees. The best way to prevent such conditions from occurring is to take steps so that you can allow the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut using components such as prebiotics. Such components will also help you to prevent the inflammation and development of arthritic conditions in your knees and the other bone joints.

Preventing pain and keeping your gut healthy:

To prevent pain in your body and to check the development of arthritis and conditions of joint pain that develop due to inflammation, you must take important measures. It is already known that the microbiome that is present in the gut can directly hamper your bone health and lead to inflammation, arthritis, along with body. To prevent such conditions from occurring, many dieticians and experts advise adding prebiotics to our diet. This is because prebiotics aid in treating pain and swelling in your body and keep your gut healthy. Have foods that are rich in prebiotics -rich such as fruits and green leafy vegetables, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, and so on. You can also try prebiotic supplements but consult your healthcare professional before you decide to have supplements (This is recommended to avoid side effects of such supplements on your health).

What are the best steps to reset your gut health?

Reset your gut health to improve your body functioning and to get rid of body pain. As per studies and recent research (5) these are some of the best ways to reset your gut health:

  • Perform healthy exercises and stay active
  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Increase your fiber intake
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Reduce stress.
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