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Moderate and High-Intensity Exercise For Belly Fat Burning

Moderate and High-Intensity Exercise For Belly Fat Burning
April 05, 2024

All of us wish to be in the perfect shape of our body, that is free of excessive amounts of fat deposition in any part of the body. In fact, there are some people who follow thorough diet schedules and exercises to stay in proper shape and get rid of any unnecessary fat deposition within their bodies.

Belly fat is that type of fat that is deposited in the under surfaces of the abdomen, particularly in the areas close to the lower abdomen. While deposition of some of the fat in the lower abdomen, that is within the permissible limits is allowed, excessive deposition of fat or lipid-like substances inside the body can lead to adverse effects on your overall health and body functioning, causing conditions obesity, cardiac disorders, and so on.

It is mostly due to this reason that you should take proper care of your body weight and notice if you have accumulated fat in the lower abdominal region of your body. Since belly fat is not at all good for your health, you should always consider practicing certain exercises, that are meant for the reduction of belly fat. Thus, it is important for you to know what belly fat you are about, why need to lower down belly fat, what adverse effect can belly fat has on your overall health conditions, and most importantly, which exercises should you follow to lower or get rid of the belly fat. If you are worried about your belly fat and if you wish to get rid of it through effective exercises, then this one is the appropriate article for you.

What Is All About Belly Fat?

Belly fat refers to the deposition of fat or lipid-like components in the lower abdominal portions of your body, which can lead to obesity in your body. There can be a good number of reasons behind the formation of belly fat in a person’s body, but the most effective reason fat deposits in the lower abdominal portion of your body are mostly due to the surplus or excess in the amounts of calories in your body. The presence of excessive amounts of calories in the body that leads to the formation of belly fat occurs because of the consumption of high amounts of junk foods, packaged and over-processed foods, and some other food components that are rich in calorie content.

Types Of Belly Fat: The Two Broad Divisions

Belly fat, which mostly forms in the lower portion of the abdomen can be divided into two broad types. The two types of belly fat are given below:

  • Visceral fat layer: Visceral fat layer is a layer of fat or lipid-like components that surround an individual’s major organs.
  • Subcutaneous layer: Subcutaneous layer is another type of fat or lipid layer that is mostly formed beneath the surface of your skin.

If you feel that you are gathering any type of belly fat, you must take steps to reduce or get rid of the fat at once because belly fat can have a good number of adverse effects on your overall health, particularly in your old age. In fact, those who have excessive belly fat or suffer from obesity, which occurs because of belly fat, are known to feel ashamed of their body weight and public image due to the improper shape of the body. A proper body shape is truly important, for which you need to be concerned about belly fat.

You should note that belly fat mostly increases at older ages when the overall mass of the muscles starts decreasing and thus the fat in the lower abdominal region keeps on increasing. This will not only create a negative impact on your self-confidence but can also make you feel sick and obese.

Reasons Behind Getting Rid Of Your Belly Fat?

The high amount of belly fat in the lower abdominal portion of your body can effectively make you feel obese, and this is not a good feeling. Apart from making you overweight, a high amount of belly fat can also lead to the occurrence of a few health-related disorders, that can cause some severe conditions in the body, and they can prove to be lethal, mostly in your old age. Excessive amounts of belly fat can lead to some serious health adversities. Some of them can be listed here as follows:

  • Increase in the levels of blood pressure
  • Increase in the levels of cholesterol
  • Risks of heart attack, heart failure, cardiac arrest, or conditions of similar cardiovascular diseases
  • Chances of dementia
  • Risks of developing several types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and so on
  • Asthma or breathing problems
  • An increase in the levels of blood sugar can lead to the development of different types of diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes
  • Risks of developing fatal conditions like stroke

Apart from the above-mentioned conditions, belly fat might bother your health as it is often formed within the body like visceral fat, which is created beneath the surface of the skin, and it is considered responsible for adversely affecting your body mass index or BMI (Body Mass Index). Such a condition can lead to several health problems. Thus, stay away from belly fat through effective exercises and workouts.

Practicing Exercises And Lowering Down Of Your Belly Fat

As has already been discussed that exercises are the only ways to get rid of your belly fat. There are different types of exercises that should be performed to lower belly fat. As it is often advised by health care experts and several experienced medical professionals, even if you do not give time for long and tiring exercises, you should at least involve yourself in some sort of physical activity each day, maybe for at least 30 to 45 minutes a day, so that your body can remain active and you do not sit idly for long hours, because sitting idly can contribute a lot for increasing your belly fat. Some essential exercises that you should do for lowering your belly fat can be listed here as follows:

Aerobic or Cardio Exercise:

The types of workouts or exercises that are included in aerobic or cardio exercises are given below:

  • Riding a bike
  • Rowing
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Water aerobics
  • Running or jogging
  • Walking (most preferably at a quicker speed than usual)
  • Regularly attending group fitness classes

Moderate exercises:

As the name suggests, these types of exercises are not strenuous or tiring. There are different types of moderate workout techniques. Some of them can be listed here as follows:

  • Riding a bike or a motorcycle for around 30 minutes
  • Walking two miles in 30 minutes
  • Running at high speed for about half a mile in 15 minutes
  • Doing swimming strokes in 20 minutes
  • Going for a sport
  • Jumping rope for 15 minutes a day
  • Walking stairs for around 15 minutes
  • Playing a sport, such as volleyball for 45 minutes
  • Playing basketball for 20 minutes

Apart from these practices, there can be some other types of moderate exercises, that are much more relaxing than the previous ones and are only meant for physical movements. Some of them are listed here as follows:

  • Practicing dance for 30 minutes
  • Working in the garden for 30 to 45 minutes
  • Raking leaves for 30 minutes
  • Washing a car or cleaning a vehicle for at least 45 minutes to an hour

HIIT or Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is a very effective technique for the reduction of belly fat. In fact, it has been found in some of the recent studies and research experiments that high-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is the best form of exercise for lowering belly fat. HIIT may include workouts like light jogging, running sprints, and so on. You should perform HIIT with the prior permission of your doctor for around 10 to 30 minutes a day.

But it is also true that both moderate and high-intensity interval exercise can help to lower belly fat and excess weight of your body. But you should note that High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is the most effective technique to reduce belly fat.

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