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Water Consumption Can Reduce Your Calorie And Sugar Level

Water Consumption Can Reduce Your Calorie And Sugar Level
April 05, 2024

It has often been said that water is similar to life. There can be no existence of life without water. Water is one of the elixirs that not only helps in maintaining the overall physiological functions of the body properly but also helps to survive a healthy and disease-free life. It is no secret that water composes a major portion of the human body and some of the major functions of the body cannot be performed without the presence of enough quantities of water inside the body. Water is an important component that should be consumed in the necessary proportions each day. This is because, if you do not consume enough amount of water each day, then you are most likely to become dehydrated because of enough water in your body. Though water should not be consumed in very high quantities, because that can lead to the occurrence of other health problems such as bloating, you should know the correct amount of water that must be consumed each day to stay healthy and remain free from the occurrence of any type of disease.

In the present day, dieticians and health care experts are suggesting that one should consume enough amount of water each day. This will help a person not only to lose unnecessary body weight easily, but the individual will also be able to lower some significant amounts of calories and sugar levels in their bodies. In fact, there are certain cases, when water is known to reduce a person’s body weight, along with decreasing calories and sugar levels.

In some cases, losing healthy amounts of body weight is essential for your overall body, because if there is additional weight in the body, present in the form of fats and deposited in several parts of the body, then there are high risks of developing several types of disorders such as obesity, which at the end can lead to a good number other health problems, mostly cardiac diseases such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, cardiac arrest, and other symptoms such as diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes, caused as a result of an increase in the levels of blood sugar in the body, and many more harmful disorders.

Sugar And Calorie Cut with Water Consumption

Calories are substances that can not only lead to an increase in the overall weight of the body but can also lead to other health issues. The same goes for sugar levels. An increase in sugar levels causes diseases like type 2 diabetes and can cause health problems if there is a calorie surplus in the body. Therefore, doctors and medical professionals are now saying that those people who consume high quantities of food components that are rich in enough quantities of calories, such as tea, coffee, ice cream, and fruit juices mixed with high amounts of regular white sugar or artificial sweeteners, cokes and soft drinks, have greater chances of developing health conditions such as obesity and diabetes mellitus as a result of calorie surplus and presence of the high amount of sugar and sugar- like substances such as glucose, fructose, and similar substances in them.

It is quite evident from their observations that drinking enough liters of water each day can save people from increasing the levels of excessive calories and sugar content in the body. As doctors say, it is highly beneficial for your health to drink at least 0.5 liters or 17 oz of water each day. This is because, the more water you drink, your body will be able to burn calories and thus the unnecessarily high sugar and calorie levels will eventually be reduced with time, that in the end will make you free from several types of harmful diseases.

According to recent studies and experimental research, it has been found that drinking enough water each day can effectively result in conditions like resting energy expenditure, which means that your body will efficiently produce enough energy for running all the physiological functions and all the other activities that you do by burning the calorie levels within the body. In fact, it has been found in another research experiment that among adults, the measure of resting energy expenditure has been found to have increased by around 24 to 30% after 10 minutes of drinking water and this can last for a minimum of 60 minutes or one hour. In fact, another supporting research study is showing the conclusion that among children who are overweight and suffer from conditions like obesity, the measure of resting energy expenditure has been found to have significantly increased by up to 25% after drinking enough cold and fresh water for a while.

Another study that a group of scientists has very recently carried out through a 12- month long research reveals that when women suffering from obesity practiced drinking around 1 liter or 34 oz of water each day, they experienced about 2 Kg or 4.4 lbs of body weight.

Control Of Body Weight And Consumption Of Water

As it has already been said that consumption of water is essential for both maintaining good health that is free from the occurrence of different types of diseases and adverse health conditions, you should also know that consumption of water is very much essential for reducing calories, body weight, and sugar levels in the body. In fact, there are some sources that claim that if you have enough amounts of water before having your meal, then the appetite reduces, which will make you consume lesser quantities of food and as a result, you will not gain an excess amount of calories in your body. In fact, it has been found in recent studies and experiments that drinking enough water per day will significantly help to lower the levels of sugar in your body. Apart from that, a new study is showing that some middle-aged women who were overweight and had obesity-related disorders could lower their body weight by almost 44% after drinking enough amount of water every day. Moreover, it is also advisable to have water before breakfast if you are willing to lower calories, sugar levels, and the overall weight of your body. Recent research is now saying that if you have enough water every day before breakfast, then you can reduce quite a significant amount of calorie content in your body, for instance, by around 13% or more.

How Much Amount Of Fat Can Be Reduced?

Now, we all know that water is important for reducing calories and your body weight. But, some of you might be quite confused about the fact how much of the overall weight of the body can be lowered after consuming proper proportions of water. Thus, it is for this reason, a list is to be made to know how much body weight can get reduced on average after consuming the proper amount of water. A list can be given here as follows:

  • You should add 1 cup of water: if you add at least one more cup of water to the quantity you already drink each day, you are most likely to lower the risk of excessive gain of body weight by at least 0.13 kg or 0.23 lbs.
  • You can substitute other drinks and beverages with water: People often consume beverages and drinks with added sugar. This practice, if continued for a longer period, can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels and calorie content in the body. Nowadays, if you can substitute these sugar-added beverages with water or add 1 cup of more water, then you can lower your body weight significantly by 0.5 Kg or 1.1 lbs.
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