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White Bread: It is Bad For Your Health?

White Bread: It is Bad For Your Health?
April 08, 2024

Bread is considered the staple food in many countries. White bread is made from refined flour. Refined grains have undergone a process that removes the germ, which contains protein, minerals, healthy fats, and vitamin B. A dough made of flour and water, bread is available in many varieties, including sourdough, sweet bread, soda bread, and more.

Although it is very popular, it is considered unhealthy, harmful, and fattening.

What is white bread?

White bread is made up of white flour. This white flour is gone through a refining process. Compared to other foods like fruits and vegetables, bread is relatively low in essential nutrients. It is rather high in calories and carbs but low in protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Despite this, the nutrient profile can vary widely across different types of bread. For example, whole-wheat bread may boast a higher amount of fiber, while sprouted grains are richer in beta-carotene and vitamins C and E.

There are various reasons responsible for the negative aspect of consuming white bread. Some of them are given below:

  • Contains Gluten – Another thing is that it contains gluten. Wheat products like bread contain gluten. Gluten is a specific type of protein that helps dough rise and gives it an elastic texture. Now the thing is that many people can digest gluten very easily but there are some people that cannot tolerate it. There is a disease known as celiac disease. Celiac disease is a type of autoimmune disorder in which gluten damages the lining of your small intestine and affects nutrient absorption. Some people may also have a sensitivity to gluten, which can cause issues like bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain. For these individuals, white bread should be avoided altogether to prevent negative side effects.
  • It is very high in carbs – white bread is very high in carbs. It is stated that a single slice of white bread has 13 grams of carbs. The thing is that the human body breaks down carbs into glucose and thus this glucose results in an increase in blood sugar levels. Some studies state that eating foods with a high glycemic index (GI), GI is a measure of how quickly foods increase blood sugar levels. It can lead to increased hunger and a greater risk of overeating. Consuming high carbs can lead to the risk of type 2 diabetes. It can also be responsible for metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health conditions that can increase the risk of heart disease. No doubt there are certain varieties of bread that can also be high in fiber. These bread are commonly known as ‘whole-grain bread.’ Consumption of this bread can result in the slower absorption of the sugar in your bloodstream. This will help stabilize the blood sugar level. In conclusion, we can say that consumption of bread can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels and an increase in hunger thus promoting a higher body weight, furthermore, increasing the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  • It might contain certain antinutrients – as bread is made up of grains. Grains typically have antinutrients. Antinutrients are those compounds that block the absorption of certain minerals in your body. Grains are high in phytic acid, a type of molecule that binds to iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium and prevents their absorption. There is no second thought that high-fiber, whole-grain bread may have a richer nutrient profile than lower-fiber, refined grains like white bread. It is also more likely to be higher in antinutrients. People who have a good healthy diet, that contains all the important nutrients, do not need to worry about antinutrients. Although those people who consume their diet from plant products only need to be cautious as their diets around grains and legumes, antinutrients can contribute to serious nutritional deficiencies. Nevertheless, there is a way by which you can reduce the problem of antinutrients. The soaking and sprouting of the grains are the best ways by which you can reduce their antinutrient content and it also enhances the absorption of the nutrients.
  • Low in vitamins and minerals – bread is low in important and necessary nutrients. These nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all important for your body. Although there is some bread that contains extra micronutrients. They are enriched with micronutrients which help in boosting their nutritional value and help in preventing deficiencies. Nowadays many manufacturers add additional compounds to bread, these compounds include iron, riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin. Thus, it is always recommended to check the nutritional information of the bread you are consuming to get an idea of what type of nutrients you will be getting. And it is advisable to add a healthy diet that has a number of required nutrients in it.

Some of the known benefits that are related to whole grains

There are several benefits that are related to the consumption of whole grains. These health benefits can be categorized as; [1]

  • It reduces the risk of heart disease
  • It reduces the risk of diabetes
  • It also reduces the risk of obesity
  • It even reduces the risk of colorectal cancer

Always remember that bread is made up of grains that are pulverized to form smaller particles. This process speeds up your digestion and diminishes many of the potential health benefits. Although apart from whole-wheat bread, normal white bread that is made up of refined flour does not comprise such whole grains, that is why they do not provide such health benefits, whole-wheat or whole grain bread contains such benefits in them. But always check the nutritional information labels. Whole-wheat bread is higher in fiber, protein, and micronutrients like selenium and manganese than white bread, making it a better choice if you are looking to lose weight or improve your health. The number of whole grain bread can be the ideal solution if you want to consume the bread. Whole grain bread is made from less processed grains. Hence, they are digested more slowly and carry more health benefits.

Healthy options

When it is about healthy options or choices, you may think about which type of bread will be the ideal option. For instance, you can go for whole-wheat bread as it is better than white bread because whole-wheat bread contains a higher amount of fiber and protein. Fiber and protein both help in slowing down the absorption of sugar in your bloodstream to keep your blood sugar normal. Apart from this, whole-wheat bread is also enriched with several key nutrients, such as manganese and selenium. Selecting bread made from sprouted grains — such as Ezekiel bread is another great option to maximize the nutritional benefits of your bread. Studies show that sprouted bread contains more fiber, folate, vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene but fewer antinutrients.

Thus, it can be summarized as choosing whole-wheat bread/ whole-grain bread or Ezekiel bread (sprouted bread) is a much better option than choosing white bread. As this bread contains higher contents of fiber, protein, and several nutrients as compared to white bread.


White Bread is normally high in carbs. It also has gluten as well as anti-nutrients. Moreover, the number of micronutrients is much lower. Whereas there is bread such as whole-wheat/whole grain bread or Ezekiel bread that is enriched with important nutrients as compared to white bread. You can enjoy consuming bread, but it is suggested that the consumption should not be on a regular basis.

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