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Your Ultimate Guide For 26th to 30th Weeks of Pregnancy

Your Ultimate Guide For 26th to 30th Weeks of Pregnancy
April 10, 2024

When it is time to discuss the 26th to 30th weeks of your pregnancy, you have come a long way with your child inside and within a few weeks or so you shall be bringing home your little bundle of joy. But in these weeks new mothers are usually anxious regarding how to take care of their health and care for the health of the growing baby inside them and how to prepare themselves for upcoming labor and successful childbirth. So, mothers-to-be needed to know about what physiological changes and developments they might experience during these weeks, how these body changes can affect their health, and how their baby is growing inside. So, here is your ultimate guide on the weeks 26 to 30 of your pregnancy.

The 26th Week of Pregnancy:

Changes In the Baby– The baby is growing rapidly inside you and is now sensitive to all kinds of external sounds as it has now developed its ability to hear and its ears are quite developed by now. It is 12 to 13.7 inches in height and it has put on some now as it can store fat now. The other major organs like the lungs and the brain are yet to develop.

Changes In the mother– This week marks the end of your second trimester, and you might experience some common symptoms such as follows:

  • Stretch marks begin to appear in various parts of your body such as hips, buttocks, belly, and breasts
  • Severe pain and cramps in the back and in the abdomen
  • Swelling in feet and ankle
  • Swelling and soreness of breasts
  • Problems in breathing
  • Numbness, itching, and tingling in hands and feet
  • Problems in digestion leading to heartburn and stomach upset or bloating
  • Gestational diabetes causes mothers-to-be to develop high levels of blood sugar or diabetes during this stage of pregnancy
  • Mild to severely painful Braxton- Hicks contractions that feel much like labor pain
  • Difficulty to sleep leading to insomnia
  • Hemorrhoids

Things To Do In This Week

Talk to your baby:

Try to talk and communicate with your baby as it is the best time to establish good parental relationships with your baby. Your baby can hear now and will also respond to your sounds and this will further help in better cognitive development.

Have a balanced diet and exercise more:

According to recent studies, it is very important to have a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, folic acid or folate, and fiber. Have plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Avoid having excessively processed foods or junk foods. Lead a healthy lifestyle and have plenty of water.

The 27th Week Of Pregnancy:

Changes In the Baby– Your baby is growing rapidly and this week it is almost 14.25 inches long. Its teeth and jaws are gradually becoming developed and it is now sucking its thumbs. The organ systems such as the respiratory and the nervous systems will continue to grow and your baby still communicates with you.

Changes In The Mother– There are some usual symptoms that you will experience in the 27th week of your pregnancy. Some such symptoms are as follows:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Stretch marks continue to remain on your skin
  • Your growing belly might cause some difficulty to maintain proper body balance
  • Increase in body weight: you are likely to increase 16 to 22 pounds of body weight in this week
  • Some symptoms of preeclampsia
  • Excessive tiredness and fatigue
  • Pain and cramps in the back and the abdomen
  • Problems of indigestion leading to heartburn and stomach upset
  • Swelling of the ankles, fingers, or face
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Cramps in your legs and restless leg syndrome
  • Difficulty in sleeping causing insomnia

Things To Do In This Week– The most difficult condition that you might experience during this time is the problem of falling asleep. Therefore, you should try out some measures that might help you to fall asleep fast. Some such methods are as follows:

  • Avoid using mobile phones at bedtime
  • Go to bed every day at a particular time and try to maintain this routine
  • Have a healthy and balanced diet
  • Avoid over intake of coffee or any caffeinated food or beverage
  • avoid excessive liquid consumption in the evening
  • Work out and exercise regularly
  • Maintain peace of mind
  • Relax before you sleep

The 28th Week Of Pregnancy:

Changes In the Baby– In this week, the average height of your baby is about 14 1/2 inches (37 centimeters) to almost 15.75 inches and weighs almost about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds to 2.4 pounds (.9 to 1.1 kilograms). Its eyes are fully developed by now and the baby will try to gradually try to open its eyes as it has developed its eyelashes. A fun fact is, your baby can now even dream inside your womb.

Changes In The Mother- Some common body changes might occur in this week of your pregnancy such as:

  • Problems related to indigestion that leads to constipation, stomach upset, bloating, heartburn, and gas
  • Severe pains and cramps in the abdomen, back, and legs might occur due to the increase in body weight and the gradual enlargement of your belly
  • Problems while sleeping that leads to insomnia
  • Problems in breathing
  • Tenderness and soreness of breasts from which you feel a fluid coming out of your nipples
  • Swelling in ankle, feet, and face
  • Varicose veins
  • Labor-like cramps due to occurrences of Braxton- Hicks contractions
  • Increase in the urge to urinate
  • Mild to heavy vaginal discharge

Things To Do In This Week:

It is important to stay in touch with your pediatrician and your health care expert during this week of your pregnancy. The physician concerned might suggest you undergo certain tests to check on the baby’s growth and development and to make sure that you are not developing any pregnancy-related abnormality during this week. Take the necessary vaccines such as the TDap vaccine to ensure your safety and the safety of your child.

The 29th Week Of Pregnancy:

Changes In the Baby– In this week, your baby is about 15 inches long and weighs around 3 pounds. Its brain, nervous system, and the rest of the major organs are developing rapidly now.

Changes In The Mother– Some observable changes will occur in the body of the mother. Some of these changes are as follows:

  • Increase in the urge to urinate frequently
  • An increase in urination causes sleep disturbances during the night
  • Problems in breathing as the uterus that is rapidly growing now are exerting pressure on the lungs and leaving little space for the lungs to contract and relax smoothly
  • Difficulties due to indigestion leading to gas, bloating, heartburn, gas, and constipation
  • Abdominal pain

Things To Do In This Week:

Constipation is the crucial problem of this week. So try to consume a diet that has a high amount of fiber and roughage. Drink plenty of water every day. During this week you are going to have issues of breathlessness. So, it is advisable to practice yoga and breathing exercises. Also, try to keep your blood pressure in control so that you do not develop conditions like preeclampsia. You should keep in touch with your health care expert and report the difficulties you are facing. Have a healthy diet this week that contains proteins from beans, fish, turkey, take your necessary prenatal vitamins and folic acid. Make sure to have your iron supplements so that you do not develop an iron deficiency or anemia.

The 30th Week of Pregnancy:

Changes In the Baby: In the 30th week of your pregnancy your baby has grown to weigh almost 3 pounds and it is almost 15 to 16 inches long by now.

Changes In the Mother: Below are the possible symptoms that a mother might experience in the 30th week of her pregnancy:

  • Excessive tiredness and feeling of exhaustion
  • Pain and cramps in the back and legs
  • Difficulty in falling asleep or insomnia
  • Sudden changes in mood and behavior

Things To Do in This Week- your baby has developed quite rapidly by now and so there are some important things you would like to do this week. Some of them can be listed as follows:

  • Make a plan related t birth and labor
  • Buy a comfortable pregnancy pillow to support your belly and which you can use on either side while sleeping
  • Plan and set your nursery
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