1. Can you find the best ophthalmic surgeon through Doc India?
Doc India is one of the most important online sites that will provide you with adequate information about how to get in touch with some of the most qualified ophthalmic surgeons in India and how to decide which surgeon to choose for successful eye surgeries within affordable rates.
2. Do ophthalmic surgeons perform cataract surgery?
Yes, ophthalmic surgeons are trained to perform cataract surgeries, especially among aged people, in which the surgeon operates to remove the layer of cataract that has formed, so that the patient gets back a clearer vision.
3. What is the cost of consulting an ophthalmic surgeon in Jaipur?
The cost of consulting an ophthalmic surgeon in Jaipur may range between 300 to 1500 INR, on average, though this range of cost can change depending on several factors such as the type of eye problems being treated, the experience and fees of the surgeon, the location of the clinic, and so on.
4. When do ophthalmic surgeons advise glaucoma surgery to patients?
Ophthalmic surgeons usually recommend their patients to undergo glaucoma surgery when the conditions could not be treated by medicinal drugs or attempts of laser treatment could not help treating glaucoma symptoms.
5. When does a retinal surgery become necessary?
Ophthalmic surgeons advise their patients to go through retinal surgery because such surgical procedures help to cure vision problems and helps in the following ways:
Prevents the risks of retinal detachment
repairs any hole or tear in the retina
prevents vitreous fluid from flowing underneath the retina.
6. Can laser eye surgery have any side effects?
Though undergoing laser surgery in your eyes is more or less safe, some of the major side effects of this type of surgical procedures include the following:
dryness in the eyes
mild to severe discomfort and pain
watery eyes
corneal ectasia
changes in vison
risks of infections and corneal cap complications
problems of seeing things at night
sensitivity to light, glare, halos, starbursts, or double vision.
7. Can ophthalmic surgeons correct problems of eyelids through plastic and reconstructive surgery?
Yes, ophthalmic surgeons can help to improve various types of skin problems that may develop surrounding the eyelids, the orbit, tear ducts, other structures around the eye and sides of the face near the eyes, through oculoplastic surgeries.
8. Can a person suffer from dry eyes after ophthalmic surgery?
There can be mild chances that a person may suffer from problems like dry eyes or related types of complications after an ophthalmic surgery (for instance, after surgeries like Lasik or corneal transplants, and so on) especially during the early post-surgical phase.
9. What are the benefits of retinal detachment surgery?
Some of the benefits of undergoing retinal detachment surgery include the following:
helps in the reattachment of the retina to the back of the eye
seals any hole in the retina
helps to improve vision.
10. Can ophthalmic surgeons help to perform corneal transplant?
Yes, ophthalmic surgeons are trained to perform corneal transplant when needed, using surgical procedures.